Thursday, July 31, 2014

Family Business Succession Planning Advantages

What are most obvious family business succession planning advantages? The succession planning process may include a number of different steps. Developing a plan for the replacement of key personnel is typically a big part of the process. Much depends on the size of the business. Small Independently Owned Businesses For a sole proprietor or single [ ] The post Family Business Succession Planning Advantages appeared first on Business Development Strategies.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

How To Market on Facebook

If you seriously want to learn how to market on Facebook and separate yourself from 97% of so called, “Facebook Marketers,” who only spam there company links and attempt to pitch you on their product or service every chance they get, I strongly recommend that you read this brief article word-for-word and watch the private video embedded here and on our Facebook Marketing Strategies pages.

Business Management News

In the 21st century, based on terrible examples of mega business failures many communities, even states, have now pinned their hopes on entrepreneurs and small businesses for their security and growth. And no business can survive if it insists on making all the possible mistakes themselves. Some successful business owners are successful, in many cases, because they did not make the same mistakes their contemporaries in similar businesses made. Access to business management news often makes the critical difference between taking advantages of opportunities and dealing with the results of being out of the loop.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Today’s Business Skills

What are leadership skills? Can the skills be learned? Are there personality qualities that make some people better leaders? We look at those questions here in this article. We often hear people talk about born leaders. It is true that some people s personalities are better-suited for leading people. They may be more charismatic, for example. [ ] The post Today s Business Skills appeared first on Business Development Strategies.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Business Leadership Management

Are your business leadership management skills where they need to be for your company to survive and profit during these challenging times? What would your people say about your business leadership management skills?

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Succession Planning Business Reorganization

Succession planning business reorganization means that  to achieve success in the future you can t continue to be organized like you were in the past. Succession planning business reorganization is an integral part of the solution, because it is the new organization that will enable the changes and ownership and management that are requires to turn [ ] The post Succession Planning Business Reorganization appeared first on Business Development Strategies.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Advertise Your Business Online

From our experience advertising and promotion should be a coordinated activity encompassing Facebook, local newspapers, local high school and community events, email, and pay per click ads online. The objective of advertising in this way? E...

Monday, July 21, 2014

5 Mistakes that Quash Corporate Innovation

You Can’t Read the Label While Inside the Jar,’ Say Fortune 100 Consultants The biggest breakthroughs in the history of business – and the history of the world – are never  the result of conventional thinking, says Maria Ferrante-Schepis, a...

Family Business Growth Strategy

Top Ten Characteristics Most Often Found in Great Family Businesses "Good is the enemy of great," proclaims Jim Collins in his landmark bestselling book "Good to GREAT." To achieve greatness in business, Collins' research shows, among other thin...

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Family Owned Business Succession Planning, Ask For Help From Your Family

Because you are in the center of it you already know that family owned business succession planning is many faceted. Because it's not likely you have already been through family owned business succession yourself, except for perhaps as a wi...

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Succession Planning Goal Setting

If you truly expect to have an effective succession planning outcome, meaning the business continues on for decades after you have retired and your own financial security is in place, you really must begin the process sooner rather than later because the actual decisions made in early stages can have a dramatic effect on all [ ] The post Succession Planning Goal Setting appeared first on Business Development Strategies.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Business Plans : Writing a Risk Management Plan

The expression 'risk management plan' is most often used when considering specific risks - such as fire, theft, investment, etc. However a risk management plan actually applies to every decision you make and every action you take, or do...

Today's Small Business Marketing Solution

A small business marketing solution that's working today is a far cry from the an effective small business marketing solution of only a few years ago. Effective marketing strategies have certainly changed over the years, almost to the p...

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Today’s Small Business Marketing Solution

A small business marketing solution that s working today is a far cry from the an effective small business marketing solution of only a few years ago. Effective marketing strategies have certainly changed over the years, almost to the point where we have virtually come full circle. For many decades, companies relied on word-of-mouth advertising as [ ] The post Today s Small Business Marketing Solution appeared first on Business Development Strategies.

Monday, July 14, 2014

How To Resolve Conflict At Home And At Work

The video below was chosen to highlight one of the elements of the business development strategies puzzle. As your organization moves along the path from start-up through its ultimate sale or succession to the next generation, each of the seve...

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Lost Sales Leads: 4 Common Problems & How to Correct Them

U.S. businesses spend billions of dollars generating sales leads only to lose more than 70 percent of them simply because they don’t make contact quickly enough, according to one study. But that’s not the only way they’re losing out on o...

Mastering Life Balance: Achieving Greatness at Home and at Work

5 Tips from Former Businessman of the Year Gary Kunath People are overwhelmed with the complexities of their own lives and are desperately seeking a way to maximize happiness in their home and work lives, says Gary Kunath, an entrepreneur, speak...

Friday, July 11, 2014

Management Succession Planning Requires Collaboration

As you are in the middle of management succession planning you already know that family business management succession planning is a many faceted process one with supporters and detractors continually changing sides with each other. As it s not likely you have been through family business management succession planning yourself, with the exception of perhaps [ ] The post Management Succession Planning Requires Collaboration appeared first on Business Development Strategies.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

4 Ways to Turn Your Company Into an Innovation Machine

Terry Jones Travelocity and Founder Offers Tips for Culture Change The world’s future leaders overwhelmingly believe that today’s businesses can grow only if they can innovate – and that today’s business leaders aren’t demons...

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Two Types of Business Strategy For Sustainable Growth

There are numerous strategies for small business growth. Here are two types of business strategy that can lead to sustainable growth right through a range of business cycles, downturns and upswings alike. These two types of business strategy perhaps the most important in today s environment and two of the most often overlooked. Two Types of Business [ ] The post Two Types of Business Strategy For Sustainable Growth appeared first on Business Development Strategies.

Monday, July 7, 2014

New Tools for Retirement – Why the Ones that Get You There Won’t Keep You There

3 Ways to Switch Up Strategies & Guarantee Your Income If there’s one thing Americans have learned from the financial crisis of 2008, it’s that they do not want to lose their money – again – especially for folks of a certain age, say...

Marsha Friedman : Your Best Marketing Tool is Still the Most Basic One

New concepts are constantly emerging in marketing. We’ve seen the rise of “green marketing” — appealing to people’s environmental concerns by emphasizing recycled packaging and the like. And mobile marketing, finding new ways to get the a...

Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Advantages of Family Business Succession Planning

What are the advantages of family business  succession planning? The family business succession planning process may include a number of different steps. Developing a plan for the replacement of key personnel is typically a big part of the process. Much depends on the size of the business. Small Family or Privately Owned Businesses For a sole [ ] The post The Advantages of Family Business Succession Planning appeared first on Business Development Strategies.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Change Leadership - Struggling to Transform Your Business to Survive and Thrive?

Change Leadership in Challenging Times - 5 Tips Putting the right people at the helm has launched many high-profile, highly successful turnarounds, from Jack Welch in his early days at GE to Meg Whitman at eBay. But companies don’t have to ...

How to Resolve Conflict in a Marriage

There are some of you wondering why we're putting a video about how to resolve conflict in marriage on our web site devoted to business development strategies. It's simple really. When the business is family owned, and almost all are, knowing...

Today’s Business Leadership Skills

What are business leadership skills? Can business leadership skills be learned or not? Are there personality qualities that make some people better leaders? We look at those questions here in this article. We often hear people talk about born leaders. It is true that some people s personalities are better-suited for leading people. It takes experience, education [ ] The post Today s Business Leadership Skills appeared first on Business Development Strategies.