Friday, October 30, 2015

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Reputation Management Tools Help You Address Business Problems

If you have a business that depends on people being happy to stay open, then you should look into reputation management tools.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Peace Of Mind With Internet Reputation Management

Savvy business owners use software tools to track everything – positioning them to proactively take action. Successful business owners are vigilant when it comes to protecting their reputation. Know what people are saying about you and make sure you have the Internet reputation management tools in place that will help you track your brand and manage the conversation.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Online Reputation Monitoring: What Are Your Customers Saying About You? - YouTube

When it comes to your business, well the benefits of online reputation monitoring can mean the difference between success and failure. Your customers are online talking about your business every day. Maybe they are talking about the products they purchased from you on their own blog, or perhaps that are using an app like Yelp to give your services a star rating. As the importance of online searches by local consumers increases, business owners are finding that they require a solid way to find out what’s being said about their company and an effective and efficient way of managing their online reputation. Online reputation monitoring software does both.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

What Is The Definition Of Leadership?

When you Google “ definition of leadership ” you end up with 285,000,000 results - and none are actually, in some cases even remotely, the same.