Sunday, June 17, 2018

European Travel Resources - Family Business Strategies

Below are the primary European travel resources we’re using when we’re searching for the best place to stay, the most convenient and cost-effective travel options, and access to the places and events we want to enjoy on our European vacations. The European travel resources below are those that we’ve used and recommended to our subscribers more than any others. If the list is different today than it was the last time you saw it, it’s because we’ve stumbled upon an even better resource for us both. We always (my wife actually) endeavor to plan ahead. Because these resources are online we can make arrangements before leaving home. Additionally, we can use them “on the fly” when we find we want to change our itinerary, add something we did not originally believe we’d have time for, or when we heard about something or someplace after we were already well into our trip.

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