Business succession plans deserve your attention sooner rather than later, because when money is involved the sooner your business succession plans get underway the more possible they become. As you are in the midst of it you already know that family business succession plans are many faceted. As it s unlikely you have been through [ ]The post Business Succession Plans Require 100% Cooperation appeared first on Business Development Strategies., November 29, 2013
Business Succession Plans Require 100% Cooperation
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Business Development Strategies for Small Business Growth
There are numerous strategies for small business growth. These are two of the most important and two of the most often overlooked. Small Business Growth Means Taking Advantage of IT Information technology helps individuals too, but the IT field would not be as large as it is today were it not for the help it [ ]The post Business Development Strategies for Small Business Growth appeared first on Business Development Strategies., November 26, 2013
The Perils and Potentials of Doing Business with Family Business
The Opportunity Doing business with family members has NEVER been a neutral topic. Family businesses are a time-honored tradition. In contrast, many companies have formal policies against doing business with people you have outside ties ..., November 25, 2013
Small Business Internet Strategy for Main Street
By now every company of every size has a web site of some sort, from a highly developed site created by world class designers, to Wordpress sites like this one, to database driven e-commerce web sites, to simply a Facebook page. What's often mis... Business Internet Strategy for Main Street
By now every company of every size has a web site of some sort, from a highly developed site created by world class designers, to Wordpress sites like this one, to database driven e-commerce web sites, to simply a Facebook page. What's often mis..., November 24, 2013
Resolving Workplace Conflicts: How Much is Conflict Costing Your Business?
Why does a dependable supervisor begin calling in sick, when you know they are not really ill, just before an important project is due for completion? Why is a valuable team leader always in a bad mood, snapping at her colleagues, coming in la..., November 22, 2013
The Advantages of Succession Planning
What are the advantages of succession planning? The succession planning process may include a number of different steps. Developing a plan for the replacement of key personnel is typically a big part of the process. Much depends on the size of the business, and the advantages of succession planning benefit stakeholders from the smallest family [ ]The post The Advantages of Succession Planning appeared first on Business Development Strategies., November 21, 2013
Will Your Online Strategy Be Worth The Time and Effort?
Business owners always wonder, "Will my online strategy be successful?" That seems like one of the questions that is heard the most and is considered first before launching a serious effort into this previously unknown area of business. Whe... Management Styles by Tom Feinberg
Conflict occurs in organizations whenever a difference of opinions exists. People disagree over many things including but not limited to, policies and procedures, the overall direction of the company, and distribution of rewards. This type ..., November 20, 2013
How the Recession Has Changed Retirement Planning
Expert Offers 3 Tips for Baby Boomers The economy may be recovering, but some of the changes wrought by the Great Recession may be long-lasting. Anyone planning for retirement, no matter what their age, needs to take those changes into account, s... Development Strategies: Your Equation For Success
Leadership development strategies are the number one controllable aspect of business success in the 21st Century. Controllable is the key here. It is even more true today, with the traditional barriers to entry virtually gone, that anybody can... Leadership Skills in Today’s Business
What are effective leadership skills? Can effective leadership skills be learned? Are there personality qualities that make some people better leaders? We look at those questions here in this article. We often hear people talk about born leaders. It is true that some people s personalities are better-suited for leading people. They may be more charismatic [ ]The post Effective Leadership Skills in Today s Business appeared first on Business Development Strategies., November 19, 2013
Do Email Marketing Mistakes Destroy Your Customer's Trust?
Are poor email marketing mistakes killing your company's marketing? What about the way you are using email in your customer service efforts? Is email your company's friend or foe or are email marketing mistakes killing your new business and yo... The Most Out Of Your Next Trade Show
Trade shows are a key component of every industry, association, and professional meeting. Their importance cannot be over stated for the attendees, the sponsoring organization, and the exhibitors themselves. Trade show attendees have access to... List of Leadership Competencies Includes Courage
Lists abound that are supposed to include all of the leadership competencies required to be a successful leader today. While these lists often contain a few industry specific leadership competencies, which is important since these characterist..., November 18, 2013
The Next Generation Is Taking A Successful Company into The 21st Century
It started with a phone call I received from my client, a third-generation manufacturer in the automotive after-market industry. When their daughter left for college three years before, she had planned to become an accountant. The plan was,...'s Important About Your Business Development Strategies?
Someone once reminded me that there is only one direction you can coast, down. Unless your business development strategies are in place and taking you toward success you are headed toward failure. I spent a lifetime as a consultant to long-... Planning Nomenclature: Keeping It Clear and Simple
Developing a strategic plan should not be hard to understand. Developing a strategic plan successfully must be clear and unambiguous to avoid mistakes during execution and avoid the unintended consequences of poor communication. The most important point to be made about all strategic planning terms is their interrelationship. They must exist as an integrated “system” or “framework” of ideas. That is, they must be congruent., November 17, 2013
Developing a Strategic Plan That Does Not Sound Complicated
Strategic Planning Nomenclature: Keeping It Clear and Simple It's not unusual for us to begin working with clients who have encountered frustration and confusion in their previous attempts at creating a strategic plan. The major cause for this c..., November 15, 2013
What About Leadership and Management Skills? Leaders Must First Be Followers
What do you think when someone tells you they can teach you how to be a leader? True, leadership and management skills are requirements of success today - so why not hire some guru to teach you just how easy it is to become one? Leadership ... Marketing Management
"Strategic" is the word generally used to describe actions that may have an impact on the organization over the long haul. In the case of strategic marketing management you'll find the relationship between today's actions and tomorrow's result... Conflict: Will You Quit or Get Off The Pot?
When you feel bad emotionally you'll get sick physically, whether you are faced with personal or organizational conflict. When you are dealing with organizational conflict , especially continuing often unacknowledged organizational conflict you'..., November 14, 2013
Organizational Succession Planning - White Board Tutorial
Organizational succession planning is not an action (something you do today and it's done), it is a process. Naturally you have to take action to get it started and you have to continue to take action to keep if moving - but you and your next ... For Small Business Marketing Success? Go Fly Fishing
Small business marketing success is a result of adding today's technologies to the tried and true strategies of the past - such as fly fishing. Small business marketing success today comes from the blurred distinction between sales and marketing t... For Succession Often Requires A Business Reorganization
Planning for succession has to get started before it can be done. You will have to pick a day and from that day forward every action you take and every choice you make must have something to do with planning for succession and its likely outcome...., November 13, 2013
FaceBook: How To Promote Your Business Today
Knowing how to promote your business today for results right now and in the future is like trying to hit a moving target. In the old days we had to have brochures printed every time we changed our marketing strategy. We have not done that is y... Social Media For Effective Business Development
Today leveraging social media is a key element of business strategic development because, while leveraging social media is typically employed to generate results for the short term, it is a necessary element of a well considered strategic plannin... Great Definition of Leadership Is Here
As I love personal development, I would like to give you today a helpful and great definition of leadership. To be a great and devoted leader is all about personal growth. And the point is you have to understand the true great definition of leadership in order to put yourself on the way to your [ ]The post A Great Definition of Leadership Is Here appeared first on Business Development Strategies. Great Definition of Leadership Is Here
As I love personal development, I would like to give you today a helpful and great definition of leadership. To be a great and devoted leader is all about personal growth. And the point is you have to understand the true great definition of le..., November 12, 2013
Family Business Succession Plans Mean Strategic Planning?
Family business succession plans regardless of how simple or how complicated and no matter how large or how small the business - mean making strategic planning decisions for the future beyond just the next few years. Family business succession... Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses: Find Your Niche First!
Niche marketing strategies for small businesses will allow you to spend you efforts and your marketing budget attracting the best prospects, those who are already looking for what we're selling. While that's obvious is it too simplistic? If al... Marketing Implementation
Strategic marketing implementation is what's important to your success. It really doesn't matter how much research you do, even though that's that's the second most important element of developing you marketing strategy - unless you execute th..., November 11, 2013
Conflict in the Workplace
Workplace conflict resolution, or more likely its management is crucial for small business success. Not because of the feelings of unease and stress that surround us in a workplace filled with people mad at one another. It's because we will go... Business Marketing Research Requires Focus
Small companies think they have an easier time of it when it comes to marketing compared to the giant public companies. They believe that because they have a smaller range of products and intend to market them in a more easily defined area. ... Internet Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses Explained
Steps to Choose Internet Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses Rising effectiveness of Internet marketing (IM) has necessitated small business owners to adopt efficient techniques to promote their businesses. As an owner of small business, you can hardly afford to lose the chance to win prospective clients, and to improve the profitability of your business. Having [ ]The post The Internet Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses Explained appeared first on Business Development Strategies. Internet Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses Explained
Steps to Choose Internet Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses Rising effectiveness of Internet marketing (IM) has necessitated small business owners to adopt efficient techniques to promote their businesses. As an owner of small business, ..., November 8, 2013
Developing Leadership Skills Video
Developing leadership skills is an integral part of organizational success. No matter who is in charge today, that will change in the future so we must continually prepare for it. While there are many ways to describe what developing leadershi... Business Succession: Don't Lose Your Momentum
I always tell audiences that business succession is an ongoing process, one that should develop a sort of momentum toward the stated goals of everyone involved. For example I know you seen football games where one team, often the underdog, somehow... Advice For Small Businesses: Develop Relationships First
Here's a little marketing advice for small businesses you can quite literately take to the bank. In today's world of automated everything, "old fashioned" relationship building is critical - it will in fact set you apart from your competition. ..., November 7, 2013
Can You be the Next Business Thought Leader? by Mitchell Levy
Corporate Thought Leader Architect Shares Tips Plug “thought leader architect” into the title field of a LinkedIn search and only one name pops up: Mitchell Levy, CEO of THiNKaha and author of the new book, “#Creating Thought Leaders Tweet, Succession Planning Needs Thoughtful Goal Setting In Advance
If you genuinely expect to have an effective succession planning outcome, meaning the business continues on for decades after you have retired and your own financial security is in place, you really must begin the process sooner rather than later because the actual decisions made in early stages can have a dramatic effect on all [ ]The post Effective Succession Planning Needs Thoughtful Goal Setting In Advance appeared first on Business Development Strategies. Business Leadership Skills: Have You Got What It Takes?
To answer the question, have you got what it takes to be a family business leader - perhaps we should first consider whether or not family business leadership skills are learned or inherited. And whether or not family business leadership skill... Small Business Marketing Strategies Will Grow Your Business Fast
How Small Businesses Use Promotion Strategies to Increase Customer Awareness and Boost Sales Small businesses (SMEs) with limited budgets and resources have to make strategic choices on promotion - that is, how to raise customer awareness of their..., November 6, 2013
A Planning Coordinator To Manage Business Succession Planning
In regards to family business succession planning, little or nothing good comes about by chance. And this includes the possibility of having succession planning head in the right direction as if by magic. Having a number of professional adviso... Business Internet Marketing Strategy
A small business Internet marketing strategy will differentiate your company from your less savvy competitors. And it will make your outfit a more attractive vender, supplier, joint venture partner for those next generation leaders who will deter... First Step Toward Workplace Conflict Resolution
Workplace conflict resolution. What should you do if you think there is conflict in the workplace where you are? Can you manage your company's workplace conflict resolution process yourself? Or can you simply use strategies from a world class guide to workplace conflict?, November 4, 2013
The Essentials of Business Strategic Development
While the expression may seem complicated, the essentials of business strategic development are straightforward and easy to understand. What may be confusing as you try to connect the dots is that the essentials of business strategic developme..., November 1, 2013
Succession Planning To Be Successful Requires Cooperation
As you are probably right in the middle of planning for your company s succession (or you would not be reading this) you already know that family business succession planning is many faceted. As it s unlikely you have been through family business succession yourself, with the exception of perhaps as a witness to what your parents [ ]The post Succession Planning To Be Successful Requires Cooperation appeared first on Business Development Strategies.