Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Airbnb Hosts: Why You And Your Airbnb Need Online Reputation Monitoring - Family Business Strategies

Online reputation monitoring can save your life, literally. I read an article where a young up and coming professional in the financial services industry could not progress in his career because of inaccurate information. It was not even about him but someone with the same name. Online reputation monitoring services – part and parcel to reputation management software driven service companies, can monitor what’s being said about you (even someone with the same name) and help you sort it out. When it comes to your business, well the benefits of online reputation monitoring can mean the difference between success and failure. Your customers are online talking about your business every day. Maybe they are talking about the products they purchased from you on their own blog, or perhaps that are using an app like Yelp to give your services a star rating.

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