Thursday, August 10, 2017

Leadership Qualities That Are Often Hidden - YouTube

To be effective, our leadership strategies must inspire confidence in others. Let's face it unless we have followers we aren't leading anybody are we? Our leadership strategies must inspire confidence in our followers by consistently leading them and the organization in the right direction. So, How we know what the right decisions are, that will lead our people in the right direction? Are there books that help us develop the judgment required to make the right decisions? What about leadership strategies training? How about hiring a leadership coach to help you figure out how to be an effective leader? Well, of course, you can read another book, when you have time - even though the scenarios in the book won't be the ones you're experiencing. You can, and probably should get leadership development training - it may not help, but it can't hurt. And hiring an outsider could be a great idea - except that eventually either you'll run out of money or they'll run out of idea

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