Thursday, February 15, 2018

Online Reputation Management Tools: Know What People Are Saying - YouTube

Online reputation management tools let you know what people are saying before anybody else does. That's the key really, having an online pre-emptive reputation management strategy so you can leverage any good comments and head off any negative ones before anyone knows about them. In today's rapidly changing business environment, where maintaining your loyal customers can mean the difference between success or failure, you need to be thinking about the real value of investing in pre-emptive online reputation management tools for your business. Long-term success and profitability mean acquiring new customers cost-effectively and developing the relationship over time toward the ideal result of converting them into "Key" accounts. The first sale is always the least profitable, so we all strive to maintain and grow existing clients and customers until we are the sole source provider of products and services in our category that they buy. Very few businesses are established eno

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