Saturday, February 10, 2018

Three Bad Things About Social Media in 2018 - YouTube

When your customers are excited about an experience they tell the world about it instantly. When that excitement is because they were disappointed by you or your service – telling the world is not a good thing. Successful people know that their reputation is everything and that social media comments can damage it almost instantly. Now that everyone is “online all the time”, we must deal with online comments about us and our organization in real-time. Social media’s importance to our business and professional careers grows daily, so we’ve got to find a solid way to find out what’s being said about us. And if you’re not monitoring what people are posting about you 24/7, the damage can be devastating – before you even have a chance to respond. One of the three bad things about social media is negative comments, especially the unfounded ones, hurt us personally as well as financially. Successful business owners use online reputation monitoring tools to harness the bad things

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