Thursday, February 28, 2013

Business Transition Planning = Strategic Planning

The many benefits of the family business succession process begin the day you get serious about designing the future you would like for your firm and your family. And the process continues on forever, much like your family’s involvement in the business will probably extend far beyond the lifetimes of everybody around today. Here are three essential planning elements uniquely connected with one another to create the succession and planning process, at least one which is both seamless and financially effective.

The 5 Phases of Business Development

Small Business Leadership, The #1 Element In Your Equation For Success

It is even more true today, with the traditional barriers to entry virtually gone, that anybody can start a business. Interestingly however the percentage of them that succeed beyond five years is smaller now than ever in the past. Lookalike business come and go. There are few really new ideas out there, so one business looks pretty much like the next. Why then does one of them succeed and the others, often with greater traditional resources, fail?

Stamina Is Crucial To Small Business Success

The 5 Phases of Business Development

James Movich provides us with a simple list of some of the major tasks performed during the Business Development process in Government Contracting. There are many other sub-tasks that must be performed to accomplish these, and there are many opportunities to do them incorrectly. This is often frustrating for companies, as they are unable to understand why they’re not experiencing the success they believe they should have, or that their competition has, because they are dutifully performing each step of the process. Many companies large and small need help, but don’t know they need it or in extreme cases, are too arrogant to admit it. This is normally characterized by a high turnover of business development personnel as they struggle in vain to be successful using a broken process.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Video: Succession Planning HR Strategy

As you’ll see it the video, succession planning is not just about the numbers, like the lawyers and accountants want you to believe, it’s about people too. And often it’s the people equation that holds the key to success before, during, and well after the business succession process is completed – for this generation anyway.

An Internet Strategy for Main Street

Scenarios: Multiple Strategies in a Rapidly Changing World

Multiple scenarios and scenario development to test business strategy. Need more than one strategy in rapidly changing world where events happen faster than you can organize a board meeting. Scenario building techniques. Forecasting and trend analysis. Use people outside organization for external view to test strategy. Example of private banking and wealth management. Future of banking and philanthropy.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Will Your Online Strategy Be Worth The Time and Effort?

How the Recession Has Changed Retirement Planning

The economy may be recovering, but some of the changes wrought by the Great Recession may be long-lasting. With pension plans a luxury of the past and Social Security not a guarantee for the future, whatever your age, it’s important to start planning now for retirement by creating your own private pension. The good news is, our life expectancy grows every year. “It’s up to you to ensure that you have a great quality of life when you decide you no longer want to work.

How the Recession Has Changed Retirement Planning

Monday, February 25, 2013

Small Business Leadership, The #1 Element In Your Equation For Success

What is Succession Planning?

To be recognized as truly successful, every business must succeed through four distinct phases. If it manages to make it through the start up phase, the growth phase and the often deadly malaise phase but does not make it through the succession phase, then the business and everybody associated with it is considered a failure. Failure to the employees, failure to the owners, failure to the community. In fact failure to history - your legacy will be one of failure no matter how successful you thought you were along the way.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Monday, February 18, 2013

Leaders Must First Be Followers

Over the years we’ve seen that the best leadership development is not inside the classroom it’s on the job. It isn’t purchased and taught by industry professionals, it comes from the systematic strategic conversations between the business owners and employees and their industry peers.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Strategic Marketing Management

Strategic is the term generally used to describe actions that may have an impact on the organization over the long haul. In the case of strategic marketing management you’ll find the relationship between today’s actions and tomorrow’s results illustrated within the context of the organization’s over all long term or strategic plans.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Quit or Get Off The Pot!

Conflict is a significant concern in both your individual and operating lifestyle. If not dealt with easily, kindly and effectively problem could cause to serious conflict and/or a complete malfunction of the organization.

Video: Workplace Conflict Resolution: Managing Conflict in the Workplace

When ignored, conflict in the workplace interferes with the creation and sustainability of a productive and efficient work environment. Whether conflict takes the form of an employee constantly interfering, or a worker deliberately attacking ideas and causing a scene, conflict can put a stop to team progress and stifle the creativity and participation of other team members. Learning how to diffuse workplace conflict during a team meeting can help the team reach its goals.

Succession Planning 1 - White Board Tutorial

Succession planning lasts forever, which explains why so many professionals want to sign you up for their services. They know that whatever steps you take today to assure the succession of today’s senior generation of owners out and the next generation in – will have to be repeated every 20 years or so.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Find Your Niche First!

The best prospects are those who are already looking for what we’re selling. While that’s obvious is it too simplistic? If all we have to so is get ourselves in front of enough of the right people, we’d be successful seems almost to simple, too easy. Just because it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Once you identify your niche you can attack it – hopefully to own it eventually.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Strategic Marketing Implementation

On the subject of developing a marketing strategy, why is it that so many business owners are in such a race to get momentum, to get traction from their efforts, that they forget the age old maxim – accuracy first, momentum second? Isn’t that why carpet installers at all skill levels realize it is advisable to measure twice, cut once? Remember that it doesn’t help to be making good time, if you find yourself driving in the wrong direction.

Conflict in the Workplace

Conflicts in the workplace are inevitable. High stress due to looming deadlines, personal problems, career insecurities and other common issues cause workers to butt heads. If possible, allow workers to resolve problems among themselves. However, if a conflict only worsens over time, step in before it spins out of control.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Best Sales People Go Fly Fishing

Today’s technologies have blurred the distinction between sales and marketing. In the old days the marketing department did what it did to create an environment where the sales person would be more effective – when they made the sales call (whether in person or on the phone). Today the same person seems to be doing both.

How To Use FaceBook To Promote Your Business

The purpose of your business, any business really, is to make a profit. To do that and achieve sustainable success requires having strategies in place that make your marketing more effective – the right people using the right marketing tactics in the right way at the right time. Today that means using social media marketing as a key element.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Leveraging Social Media For Effective Business Development

Business Strategic Development is the natural result of a well considered strategic planning process. If your objective is to succeed this is an absolute necessity.

Is Succession Planning Really Strategic Planning?

Succession planning, by way of definition, is the orderly transition of the organization from the present generation of owners to the next, the folks who’re going to be owning and running the operation in the 21st. Century. Easy management succession and ownership transition in considered the advantage, the target, the objective on just about every excellent business owner’s mind.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Leadership a “Human Skill”

Leadership development is an integral part of organizational success. No matter who is in charge today, that will change in the future so we must continually prepare for it. Since we are all members of different types of organizations with different cultures and different structures the video we re posting here may be different from what [...]

Leadership a "Human Skill"

Leadership a “Human Skill”

Small business strategies means different things to different people. That ve added it here. Thiry had to develop vibrant culture in order to survive. The community came first, [...]

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Small Business Internet Marketing Strategy

Small business strategies means different things to different people. That ve added it here. Small Business Internet Marketing Strategy presented by Rasmussen College Online Marketing Manager, Josh Braaten [...]

Monday, February 4, 2013

Small Business Strategies & The Essentials of Business Strategic Development

Business Strategic Development offers you a platform around which the decisions affecting the long term failure or success of your business are organized. This vital ongoing strategic business planning activity does not require in depth training, outside professionals or experts, and costs little or nothing besides a few hours of your time monthly. It only [...]

Friday, February 1, 2013

Will Writing a Book Enhance Your Career?

Everyone says that writing a book will enhance your career, making getting new customers a snap, and make you a boatload of money (plus Oprah). What a bunch of baloney. Read the statistics. The people who promote the idea of writing a book as a ticket to the big time must think we’re stupid or something.