Saturday, December 30, 2017
What Is Family Business Leadership? Do You Have What It Takes? - Family Business Strategies
Wherever you look these days there’s always yet another course about leadership. Normally they highlight individuals with competencies and talents we simple common folks could never hope to have. And given that it is such a popular characteristic for business people, the secret of leadership is usually pitched by self-proclaimed experts who want to sell us their own fantastic formula for obtaining leadership success. A number of these ” teachers “, through their incredibly profitable books and classes – ones that association heads and meeting planners, in addition to corporate people and self-help junkies are so crazy about – should really be labeled as motivation as opposed to leadership related. There are also the huge leaders of vast enterprises – individuals whose names everyone knows who’ve led their institutions to greatness or great failures – who’ll happily (for a fee) tell everybody ways to avoid their mistakes and leverage their successes. Very often after you
Friday, December 29, 2017
Bad Things About Social Media - Family Business Strategies
Comments made by people who actively want to damage your reputation. This is one of the bad things about social media that sometimes makes me wish it had never been invented. There’s no way anybody can stop them unless they break the law, and even then it may be too late – their damage has been done, their objective achieved. The key is for you to know about their comments immediately, no matter where online they make them. If you’re not prepared to respond to their comment immediately the results can be disastrous. These are the sort of comments that can go viral. You must set the record straight before their rumor-mongering can have its desired effect.
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Online Reputation Management - Is Everything Google Says True? - Family Business Strategies
Unfortunately, most companies and/or products will at some point experience the impact of reputation damage from an online review. In the vast world of the internet, it is not difficult for a negative review to go viral and damage your company’s reputation, which can lead to a decline in business revenue. The good news… with the right methods and techniques, you can effectively fight against this negative publicity. I've seen this enough times to know it's true. A customer that had a negative experience with your business or product will jump through as many fiery hoops necessary to hurt your reputation online. Your happy customers will continue to patronize your business, but will not necessarily jump through hoops to post positive comments, which sadly are unlikely to offset the negatives. will in effect offset the negatives). This is where online reputation management comes in.
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Business Coaches: You'll Be Remembered By What You Do, Not By What You Say - Family Business Strategies
When called upon to speak to a group, it’s more important to deliver on the audience’s expectations than on yours. What does the audience want? What do you have to do to get invited back? Here is how three speakers on the same panel made three distinctly different impressions on their audience.
Saturday, December 23, 2017
Leadership Development Strategy: True Leaders Help Their Employees Grow - Family Business Strategies
When your employees are actively involved in the leadership development strategy they help you and the business develop sustainable growth and profitability. I hope your leadership development strategy is one whose focus is on helping your employees realize their full potential. There are just too many so-called leaders whose leadership development strategy is really all about them – they are only happy when they look good, meaning that the best of their people leave eventually. Often sooner rather than later.
Friday, December 22, 2017
Airbnb Hosts: How To Fix Online Reputation Damage Constructively - Family Business Strategies
It’s well known by folks in the hospitality industry, in every industry for that matter, we have to get it right every day to build and sustain a great reputation. On the other hand, one slip, especially things taken out of context and broadcast across socilal media, and all our hard work can quickly go up in smoke! Once there has been damage, it may seem difficult or impossible to get things back to normal. If you do not have any idea how to fix online reputation issues, it would be best if you paid close attention to the advice offered here.
Business Succession Plans Require 100% Cooperation - Family Business Strategies
Business succession plans deserve your attention sooner rather than later, because the sooner business succession begin the more possible they become.
5 Tips For Dealing With Conflict in the Workplace - Family Business Strategies
Connflict often results in blocked communication, lack of ability to understand others perspectives and relationship breakdowns. But can conflict be useful?
Make 2018 Your Best Year Yet! - Keys To A More Profitable Career
The key to greater profits is reducing your overhead while simultaneously increasing the number and/or size of your sales. The key to making more sales today and beyond is always having more of your ideal prospects in your sales pipeline at the same time. Until now having enough of the right people in your sales funnel was always the hard part of growing your practice. The key to having more prospects to add to your pipeline is to cast a much wider net among the universe of suspects who are now or will be soon looking for what you're selling. The key to hauling in that ever larger net full of prospects, so the ones who are ready to buy from you right now come to the top, is having an automated process that's working in the background. A process that automates the search for those people who are already talking about the problems you are uniquely able to help them solve. The key to converting them from suspects to prospects, then from prospects to first level clients, an
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Business Development Strategies for Small Business Growth - Family Business Strategies
There are numerous strategies for small business growth. First, small business growth means taking advantage of IT. Plus, hiring for small business growth. Today, relationship-building is a major point of focus for businesses of all sizes.
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Online Reputation Management to Enhance Your Standing in the Market - Family Business Strategies
Online Reputation management is conducted to safeguard a person’s, brand’s and company’s reputation on the internet. Since every individual has gained access to the Internet and is using it optimally to gain information about a person, product or services, the need of keeping your content clean and safe online has become very important.
Monday, December 4, 2017
Small Business Marketing Demands Focus On The Right Targets
The most successful among us are those who focus their efforts like a laser beam toward their special niche audience. In the past marketing campaigns were created with care, after many meetings – too many meetings no doubt, but the decisions were arrived at after considerable deliberation. It’s not that we were smarter then, it’s that we knew from experience that implementing them would take time, energy, and money – so we wanted to be sure we were heading in the right direction first. Today, on the other hand, online tools, inexpensive software, and possibly instant feedback have spawned a new strategy. It’s the fire – aim – ready – fire approach. And in certain situations that makes sense, but not others.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Business Reorganization: A Key To Successful Succession Planning - Family Business Strategies
Business reorganization is often a key, sometimes a subtle aspect, of a successful succession planning process. In some cases, business reorganization comes first, maybe the death of one of the principles for example, that actually prompts the first very real discussions about the need for succession planning. Maybe it’s even in the context of “so we won’t have to go through this again” or to tamp out fires created by the aftermath of some other unforeseen event. Business reorganization, in the context of succession planning – especially in a family business, maybe the key motivating issue is attitude, that of the successor generation, or the senior generation’s eagerness to revamp the business’s legal structure for their own reasons.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Great Advice To Help Your Airbnb Succeed - Family Business Strategies
Social media makes it easier than ever for your guests to comment on anything they like or dislike about your Airbnb. And you can (and most likely will) lose business immediately if you are not taking care of your online reputation. As an Airbnb host, you have to be aware of what people are saying about you in reviews. One comment on social media could reach millions of people potentially. A savvy Airbnb host knows that a bad review can actually be a great review. Do you know how?
Thursday, September 21, 2017
John Hartog: Tips for Helping Your Family Business Survive the ‘3 Generations’ Rule
John Hartog knows that in the family business, future successors need to be able to make some decisions that don’t require the approval of the 1st generation.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Internet Reputation Management For Small Business - YouTube
Get the free Internet reputation management report, the free “early warning” app that notifies you immediately when people are talking about you online, and a fully functional one-week trial subscription that you can have up and running in an hour or so. This video answers the question, why do I need reputation management software. Using reputation management tools you can harness the power of the Internet, especially social media to protect your business and its reputation. Online reputation management services are delivered on autopilot 24 hours a day. While having an online reputation manager was traditionally a labor-intensive proposition that was too expensive for most small businesses. Today small company reputation management can offer the same, actually more timely, service at a fraction of the price.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
The Best Reputation Monitoring Software for Wedding Planners - YouTube
What are your customers and competitors saying about you? The best reputation monitoring software for wedding planners harnesses the power of the Internet, especially social media, to keep you informed in real time!
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Business Development Strategy For Professional Services - Family Business Strategies
A common problem many professional firms face is overly relying on only one approach to business development. They focus all their efforts on word-of-mouth and referrals, or on networking, or on responding to tenders/RFPs. Typically, the basket they keep all their eggs in is the one they are the most comfortable with: it’s worked for them before, they have the skills to do it, and it doesn’t push them outside their comfort zone. This works fine when times are good and there’s plenty of work for everyone. But in tougher times, if that one source dries up, they are left stranded. My suggestion to clients is to protect against this by always having multiple approaches to win new clients. In particular, I suggest they focus on...
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Online Reputation Services For Small Businesses - YouTube
Get the free report, the free “early warning” app that notifies you immediately when people are talking about you online, and a fully functional one-week trial subscription that you can have up and running in an hour or so. This video answers the question how to reputation management. Using online reputation management services you can harness the power of the Internet, especially social media to protect your business and its reputation. Online reputation management services are delivered on auto pilot 24 hours a day. While reputation management services were traditionally a labor intensive service that was too expensive for most small businesses online reputation management companies can offer the same, actually more timely, service at a fraction of the price.
Monday, September 11, 2017
Online Reputation Management - Your Customer Said What About Your Business? Find Out How - Family Business Strategies
Everyone is online these days. Your customers have social media accounts, your competitors have a website, and your prospects are scouring forums for product reviews. There is no escaping the power of the internet and how it’s become the ultimate source of business for a lot of brands. Studies have shown that 75% of potential customers check reviews first before they make a purchase and four out of five of them choose the competition after reading one bad review. That’s eighty percent of new customers lost due to a possibly mismanaged online reputation. Take control of what your customers see online and don’t let others – your dissatisfied customers or competitors – do it for you. Or it’s eighty percent of your new customers out the door before they even reach it.
Saturday, September 9, 2017
Mitchell Levy: 4 ‘Aha’ Truths for a Changing Corporate Landscape
Technology is moving much faster than many of our institutions – while it continues to change the way people interact with businesses, many corporate leaders are still operating as if it didn’t exist, says Thought Leader Architect Mitchell Levy. “There are countless corporate leaders who do not recognize how today’s shopper is different from yesterday’s,” says Mitchell Levy, author of “#Creating Thought Leaders Tweet,” Mitchell Levy knows today’s customers often become well-informed about products available to them even before companies have had a chance to reach out...
Friday, September 8, 2017
Three Bad Things About Social Media - YouTube
The bad things about social media, we’ve all heard the horror stories. When your customers are excited about an experience they tell the world about it instantly. When that excitement is because they were disappointed by you or your service – telling the world is not a good thing. We are our business and our business is us. Negative comments, especially the unfounded ones, hurt us personally as well as financially. Successful business owners use online reputation monitoring tools to harness the bad things about social media by learning how people perceive their service and whether that perception matches the ones you want to be established. There are three bad things about social media you must be paying attention to. Your financial future depends on it. Watch the free recorded-live webinar
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Pre-Emptive Reputation Management - Brand Protection in Tough Times - Family Business Strategies
It is obviously a very well known fact that businesses around the world are flocking to the internet like moths to a light bulb to market their products and services. While many companies are facing daily operational challenges just to stay alive, our SEO company and companies of the like are thriving due to the internet rapidly becoming for some, the one and only place to market their business. A well oiled digital marketing strategy is sure to increase the revenue for any business whether you are strictly an online, or even a bricks and mortar business. But what happens when it all goes horribly wrong?
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Online Reputation Monitoring: What Are Your Customers Saying About You? - YouTube
Your customers are online talking about your business every day. Maybe they are talking about the products they purchased from you on their own blog, or perhaps that is using an app like Yelp to give your services a star rating. As the importance of online searches by local consumers increases, business owners are finding that they require a solid way to find out what’s being said about their company and an effective and efficient way of managing their online reputation. Online reputation monitoring software does both.
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Succession Planning by Andrew S. Bluestone - Family Business Strategies
Most of us equate business succession planning with working out the financial details following the death of the owner. In fact, through the use of various life-insurance techniques, I’m continually showing business-owner clients ways to do just that – to prepare for making a smooth and cost-effective transfer of their business to the next generation. If I learned anything the time I joined my father’s business at age 22 and then purchasing it from him at 28 in 1997, it is that succession planning doesn’t end with an estate plan and life-insurance policies. Protecting the financial aspects of any business is just the beginning; real succession planning involves developing a strategy for transferring the trust, respect, and the goodwill built by one generation to the next.
Sunday, September 3, 2017
WP Email Autoresponder Plugin No Monthly Fee - YouTube
The Internet in general and small business email marketing tools specifically make it possible for you to minimize the costs of acquisition and service for both new business and existing customers alike. The right email marketing tools mean that your advertising, promotion, marketing, and customer service dollars can be leveraged like never before.
Friday, September 1, 2017
Business Development: Small Business Growth Strategies - Family Business Strategies
There are numerous small business growth strategies. These are two of the most important and two of the most often overlooked. Effective Small Business Growth Strategies Take Advantage of IT Information technology helps individuals too, but the IT field would not be as large as it is today were it not for the help it provides to businesses. An affordable software can allow you to build a database that includes your current customers and your prospects. You can access the database to quickly view or print a list of customer phone numbers, physical addresses, and email addresses to use for marketing if designed properly. The list can become a functional part of your auto-email system, once you have that piece of IT.
Internet Marketing Strategies Small Business - YouTube
Internet marketing for small business may include a variety of different tools, depending primarily on the type of business that you are in or want to be in. Internet marketing for small business that’s explained in this article attempts to cover most of the bases, by looking at a variety of different businesses.
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Leadership Strategies Today - YouTube
To be effective, our leadership strategies must inspire confidence in others. Learn more about effective leadership development for your small business and answer the question, "What Are Leadership Skills?" so you can see how to build leadership at every level throughout your business.
Monday, August 28, 2017
Local Internet Marketing For Your Small Business
Local Internet marketing for your small business is about doing a better more profitable job of doing what you are already doing. Local Internet marketing for your small business helps small businesses increase their market share in their traditional marketing area and extend...
Sunday, August 27, 2017
How You Can Have Your Own Recurring Income Software Business
Join Us On September 4th at 8 pm EST (And register to make sure you get the replay) as we show you how YOU can have your own 6 Figure recurring income software business. Where everything is already done for you!
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Definition of Leadership Includes Loyalty - YouTube
Of the many leadership characteristics leading to successful leadership strategy development, loyalty is perhaps the most important. Most important because it happens in secret, the way you and your people behave when no one is looking. Do they take the company's side in a discussion, do they look for ways to help, do they demonstrate pride in the organization when nobody will know one way or the other? The loyal leader demonstrates tenacious determination and resolve, never wavering in spite of obstacles. The loyal leader is calm and composed in the face of turmoil and uncertainty because they have faith in the rightness of their mission. To learn more, "what is leadership", "what are leadership skills", and "do I have what it takes" visit our web site.
Friday, August 25, 2017
Protect Your Company With Online Reputation Management - Family Business Strategies
Anyone using the Internet knows how quickly anything can go viral, as videos, photos, and tweets have all have made front page, headline news no matter whether it’s an individual well-known, mega-corporation, or small company. Once the damaging information is out there and gains traction, you’re already on the hot seat and are playing catch up. Timely, professional, and targeted online reputation management helps you manage the effects and take charge of your message.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Be a Courageous Leader and Maximize Your Business Results - YouTube
Leadership strategies is motivating your people, making informed, tough decisions for your organization, and accepting responsibility for the consequences of their and your actions. Leaders are courageous - that's why they are called leaders, they lead others. If you would be a leader - a master of leadership strategies, you too must have courage. Leadership means taking risks, risks you must be willing to accept before others will look on you as their leader. To be a leader means you must be fearless and have the fortitude required to carry out your assignments - those you commit to on behalf of your followers especially, no matter what.
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Betty Hechtman: Tips for Finding Work that Feeds the Soul
They’re called second acts, encore careers or reinventing you – they’re the completely new and different jobs people take in midlife or later. Today, making that jump is more likely to be a matter of following the heart than it was during the throes of the economic recession when professionals caught up in corporate layoffs discovered they were too old to find jobs in a poor market and too young to retire. They started second careers not to follow a vocation but to pay the bills.
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Effective Leaders Accept The Burden of Total Accountability - YouTube
Leadership strategies take an infinite variety of forms, one for every leader. Each of us is different and to be an effective leader we need to know who we are, are comfortable being ourselves, understand our motives, and our character - flaws and all. Leaders know that failure is not fatal and failure is not a personal indictment of their character, in fact, it is just the opposite. If you are afraid to fail you will not act and if you will not act you will not be called a leader.
Monday, August 21, 2017
Cheap International Airline Tickets - Family Business Strategies
Getting cheap international airline tickets should be job #1 when planning your overseas vacation. Think about it, there are really just two expenses when traveling abroad (or anywhere else) on vacation, that you don’t already have. One of those costs is lodging unless you rent out your home or apartment while you’re gone. The other is airfare, which is why cheap international airline tickets are a key ingredient when it comes to getting the most bang for your travel buck. We have stayed at Airbnb’s both here in the US and in Europe and I have written articles about our experiences. If you’re new to the Airbnb idea I suggest you read “Air Bed and Breakfast Rentals: Treat Yourself” or one of the other articles linked below in the Recommended Reading portion of the page.
Return on Networking – the ROI of Social Media
Return on networking is about the financial benefits of investing your time and resources being on Twitter, Google+ and Facebook etc. You have to make an effort to post content people find valuable,
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Leadership Strategies For Business Development 3.0 - YouTube
What are leadership skills and leadership development activities? In building your small business, finding effective leadership strategies is paramount to finding long-term success whether you are selling a product or a service. Following sound leadership strategies will help, you overcome many of the problems which can scuttle good businesses and lead you to better financial stability. Effective leadership strategies in controlling cost must include all aspects of your business, from employee salaries to maintenance of the equipment necessary to keep your business in production.
Online Reputation Management: A Helping Hand for Your Business - Family Business Strategies
Reputation management is an important part of any business. The good name of a company or a service provider is able to sell more products than what you can actually do by campaigning. It has been proved time and again. Once your reputation is hampered, the impact will be felt straight on your products and services.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Leadership Qualities That Are Often Hidden - YouTube
To be effective, our leadership strategies must inspire confidence in others. Let's face it unless we have followers we aren't leading anybody are we? Our leadership strategies must inspire confidence in our followers by consistently leading them and the organization in the right direction. So, How we know what the right decisions are, that will lead our people in the right direction? Are there books that help us develop the judgment required to make the right decisions? What about leadership strategies training? How about hiring a leadership coach to help you figure out how to be an effective leader? Well, of course, you can read another book, when you have time - even though the scenarios in the book won't be the ones you're experiencing. You can, and probably should get leadership development training - it may not help, but it can't hurt. And hiring an outsider could be a great idea - except that eventually either you'll run out of money or they'll run out of idea
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Business Strategy Analysis An Element of Business Development
Business strategy analysis and its development – not simply the strategy itself but the end results, is the combination of really everything you are doing in your business. No actions or lack of actions take place in a vacuum, everything counts toward your success or failure. Business strategy analysis is the process that integrates all strategic actions and tactics into a cohesive plan. That said, your business strategy analysis will effect your marketing tactics to address your current situation – getting money in the door to make next month’s payroll, and to move you closer to your long term strategic planning objectives.
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Leadership Strategies: Leaders Must Have Stamina To Succeed Over The Long Haul - YouTube
A well thought-out, comprehensive management guidance leadership strategies development program can be a great tool to professionalize family business management for long term success. It clearly defines the role of various employees - from entry-level workers to managers - in the business and makes them understand the importance of the same. It also discovers the managerial and leadership skills hidden in people. A good business leadership development and management training program encourages people to think big. It encourages employees, particularly those who are young and dynamic, to come up with new ideas and perspectives that might be of great value to the business. It helps them understand the core values of the business, gives them a good idea of the direction in which the business is going, and prepares them to play a bigger role in making the business more profitable.
Monday, August 7, 2017
Barbara Trautlein: Does Your Leadership Measure Up?
Barbara Trautlein knows today’s marketplace is in a state of constant change, and successful companies are those that can respond and adapt quickly. The qualities the surveyed CEOs most admired? Strong vision, motivational, caring, innovative, persistent and ethical.
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Effective Leaders Empower Their Employees - YouTube
The most effective leaders continually inspire their employees by offering free leadership development training Every successful company leader has learned from the insights of their peers that staff training is the answer to his or her company's long term success because it empowers their followers to be a whole lot more productive tomorrow than they were previously. Generally speaking two kinds of employee training exist, internal and external. And I'm quite sure that if you had the supervisors and resources to offer in-house training to your people you'd do it. But most firms find this difficult for two main reasons, the personnel who are able to and would be the chosen internal trainers are far too busy doing precisely what they're being paid to do, their own jobs. Or you don't have people who can provide new insights and creative thinking to the company. Suppose there was another way...
Friday, August 4, 2017
The Online Reputation Management Process - Family Business Strategies
Have you ever asked yourself what the best online reputation management process service is? Or for that matter what the best online reputation management process driven software software might be? Could they be one and the same? If you’re not monitoring what people are posting about you 24/7, the damage can be devastating – before you even have a chance to respond. Posting a bad review across the social media takes seconds – and you better be able to address it just a quickly. What are people saying about your business?
Thursday, August 3, 2017
How To Define Leadership In The Family Business - YouTube
When working in a family business, learning how to define leadership can be difficult. Each generation has its own brand of cultural relevancy. Each generation has the ability to update or enforce the relevancy within a business as well. New ideas and old ideas hold together businesses in different ways. All of these differences can cause strain between the generations. To help you understand this, often complex, equation we’ve written “How To Define Leadership In The Family Business” and "Defining Leadership: What Does Leadership Mean To You?"
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
How is Innovation Like Baseball?
"In baseball, you can fail 70 percent of the time and still be considered a strong player,” says Terry Jones, founder of and founding CEO of its competitor, “Why is it that businesses give an employee with a new idea just one chance?” asks the author of “On Innovation,” (, a new book filled with 72 deceptively simple ideas for stimulating innovation. Pitchers lose games, batters strike out, fielders make errors. Instead of firing them or sending them back to the minor leagues, managers study what went wrong. CEOs need to do the same thing, Jones says.
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
The Definition Of Leadership Skills And You - YouTube
“Leadership” in business is a word we use to mean many things. It is a term often used, but rarely completely understood. The importance of excellent leadership skills and characteristics is frequently stressed, but often without a coherent definition. From my experience knowing the definition of leadership skills, while important for us to recognize - is only actionable information when we integrate them into our actions. To help you with this multifaceted equation we’ve written “The Definition Of Leadership Skills And You”
Monday, July 31, 2017
Strategic Culture: Start Acting Like You Own The Place!
Strategic culture is defined in many ways, especially by the “experts” – what it means in real-life is simple. I know what you’re probably thinking, “I DO own the business”, but the work still has to get done. Does your strategic culture mean YOU must also DO everything? Sitting around with your feet propped up acting like a big shot, telling everybody what to do, won’t help you succeed. It could have very different consequences very quickly.
Friday, July 28, 2017
How To Create An Effective Business Development Strategy - Family Business Strategies
The Business Development Strategy is used to underpin your main Business Plan and essentially it sets out a standard approach for developing new opportunities, either from within existing accounts or by proactively targeting brand new potential accounts and then working to close them. This document highlights the key issues you should consider prior to compiling your own plan and will hopefully guide you logically through a proven framework. The key word is ‘Strategy’, because you are creating a workable and achievable set of objectives in order to exceed your annual target. Your Starting Point:
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