Tuesday, April 30, 2013

5 Tips to Lead Change in Challenging Times

Leadership is the key to successful major organizational change, which has had a failure rate of 70 percent decades. It is possible to lead successful and sustainable change - IF it's led effectively.


New Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

Does your business need more customers? More customers mean more profits right? Instead of hunting for customers why don't you attract them? The best prospects are those who are already looking for what you're selling.


Just Because You Think You're A Leaders Doesn't Make It True

If you want to test the proposition, whether you are really a leader or not, ask the people who you are supposed to be leading - anonymously of course and pay close attention to what they say.


Five Tips on How to Strengthen Your Leadership Skills

Here are five tips to help you strengthen your leadership skills. Leadership is a key element of successful business development strategies. These five tips are worth considering.


What's Essential To Your Business Development Strategies?

Business development strategies combines the seven key elements for business growth into an interdependent process. To be successful a business owner must corral the people who will work as a team for the duration.


Effective Business Development Strategies Requires A Team

Business development strategies should be approached by a team of committed advocates, not experts, who will be on the scene through thick and thin from now on. People wanting to be part of your long term solution.


Succession Blueprint: Mixed Signals About The Future

Business owners and successors live, eat, and sleep the challenges and frustrations of their business. Consequently, the people who can help them must understand their problems and solutions on every level – in order to help them survive their own success.


Monday, April 29, 2013

Don't Hire A Leadership Guru, Do It Yourself

Paying for leadership advice is like buying drugs, you get hooked. Do it yourself and stay in control of the process and the outcome. Don't become an addict to paid advice.


Why Your Best Employees Get Mad And Quit

Two thirds of the time, when your best people quit, it's because of unresolved conflict. What, if anything can you do to stem this terrible waste of people, productivity, and profit?


What is Niche Marketing And Should It Matter To You?

What is the point of marketing your stuff to people who don't want it, can't afford it, and would not buy it from you if they did? Find your niche and work to dominate it.


Sunday, April 28, 2013

What is Leadership: Do You Call Yourself A Leader?

What is leadership? Surely “leadership” can be defined many ways, but what is the correct definition for one to be effective?


Is There Is A Difference Between Succession & Strategic Planning?

When it comes to succession planning and strategic planning, you can't have one without effecting the other. Consider how they dovetail together when you begin either one of them.


Marketing Is Marketing and Selling Is Selling

Marketing is not selling. Marketing is creating a situation where well qualified high probability prospects will raise their had and pay close attention to the sales presentation.


Solve Conflict In Your Marriage And Save Your Business

Everything is connected to everything else so conflict in a marriage will effect your company's bottom line, today and in the long run. Resolve marriage conflict now.


Saturday, April 27, 2013

Marketing And Sales Are What Drive Your Business

As business owners we know that sales are the key to our continued success. Of course the type of business and industry we’re in has a lot to do with what we call sales. For retailers the potential buyers are in the store, so selling may simply mean closing or does it?


Marketers Know: Reasearch First Execution Second

Effective marketers understand the need to do their marketing research first, before trying to execute their marketing plan. It doesn't help to go fast when you're going the wrong way.


Family Business Succession Planning, A Never Ending Process

Business succession planning shields unprepared family members from decisions connected with owning, selling and managing the family business, so why don't you do something about it?


Make Your Marketing Simpler With Private Webinars

Marketing success is realized when we get in front of more of the right people more cost effectively and more often. See how you can do this with webinars.


How To Write A Business Plan For Long Term Success

Video: Writing and regularly updating your business plan will focus your efforts in the beginning and keep you on track in the future. Here's how to write one.


Friday, April 26, 2013

Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Leader?

who wish to be leaders often just replicate the actions and behavior of business leaders we respect without ever understanding what it really means to be a good leader.


Resources Keys to Business Success What is Succession Planning? What Are Leadership Skills? Strategic Planning Template Leadership Strategies Conference Calls! Roadblocks to Marketing Professional Servi

Don't be one of those business owners who fail miserably because they either didn't do a business plan, or they did one solely for the purpose of getting the bank or their relatives to give them money. This is not a fiction writing contest, it is critical self-analysis before you make life changing mistakes. Some mistakes you and your business will be able to absorb, the others will absorb your business. Not having a real honest business plan is the latter.


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Resolving Workplace Conflict To a Win-Win Solution

Seeing and dealing with employees as human beings with real lives is often overlooked in the busy workplace. It’s all in how we view the situation and perceive what we’re doing that determines our satisfaction and fulfillment on the job. Employees can change their attitude toward their job while putting up with the unpleasant aspects of it.


What Are Your Business Strategic Development Strategies?

Business strategic development is actually a process that helps every person in the business clarify what's important to the business, and based on where it is now, the steps and decisions needed to achieve what's possible. Additionally , it takes time and entails your continued interest.


Video: Advertise Your Business For Free on the Internet

Successful small businesses must integrate their company's traditional promotion, such as the local media and print advertisements with online promotions if they expect to keep up with let alone beat out their competition. Are you one of those small business owners who are looking for ways to market your small business online with a limited budget? There are plenty of options available to promote your small business, and many of them are free. And while some are oldies but goodies, others are newer and exciting avenues you may not have tried out yet.


Who Is On Your Strategic Marketing Staff?

Who could you get to be on your strategic marketing team? Who really should be actively involved in the process and who can be relied on to offer the resources and points of views you need? A strategic marketing team, like many other functional groups does not need to be complex to set up and run as that. Plus it does not have to call for anyone’s energy and time over a sustained basis, than yours.


Your Business Plan: The Key To Business Success

Your organization’s future will either be the result of the planning and execution of those plans – in other words the actions you take today or the time you’ll wish you had created a usable business plan now. It’s just that simple.


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Video: John Szold On What is Succession Planning?

It seems that the most difficult succession planning issues are not financial, not taxes, they are not business related at all in fact. They are based on your ability or inability to talk with your family members honestly. If you can talk out the issues, concerns, dreams, and assumptions with each and every person affected by the decisions you will ultimately make – you will have the basis for your farm succession plan. Once everybody’s on board with the future direction, seventy-five percent of the equation has been solved. In this YouTube video John Szold speaks about taking the mystery out of succession planning and about the three development components that are critical to leaders.


What Does Leadership As A Business Owner Mean?

Highly effective business leaders know that when you make better decisions you get better results, and that their best decisions are those made in collaboration with people whose success they respect and whose opinions they trust. It is universally true that when we harness to power of our peers, we make better decisions that are the keys to higher profits. Your current and future success depends on your ability to consistently make better business decisions.


What Can We Do About Workplace Conflict?

No matter how large or how small your company the best decisions are those made jointly by the right those with the good of the whole as their only motivation. Nevertheless, when one person believes that the only way they can get back at one of their associates or the organization generally, they may sabotage decisions perhaps resulting in costly harm to the organization.


Facebook Marketing A Most Cost Effective Solution To Business Growth

The first step toward dominating your marketplace, your industry in fact, is understanding your business and then establishing clearly defined strategic objectives. These strategic objectives are a lot more than just vague goals that you mention on your web site, were part of your incorporation papers, or in the never ever read by anybody since they were written corporate minutes. Marketing your organization using Facebook, using your strategic objectives to focus your actions toward specific quantifiable results will help you succeed both short and long term.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What Will Your Internet Niche Marketing Yield?

Nichemanship is about positioning your merchandise and services so that, in the brains of your customers, there could not be an acceptable alternative to the services you provide and the products you sell and service.


Social Media Marketing in Times of Tragedy

If you’re using social media for marketing, what should you say following a tragedy like the deadly blasts at the Boston Marathon on April 15? The horrific elementary school shootings in Newtown, Conn.? The October storm that took lives and devastated communities across the Northeast?


Are There Actually Keys to Strategic Marketing?

One more key to the success of your marketing plan and to the success of your business generally is the caliber of your organization’s established reputation as someone to do business with. In this day of literally unlimited choices of vendors it is essential that you are known as someone people look forward to business with and someone people trust to keep their word.


Your Business Plan Should Be Market Driven

A business plan should be market driven rather than product focused. You know it's true that having a better mousetrap really does not mean that people will beat a path to your door. From the point of view of your customers, they have already voted by giving you their business. To keep getting their business with enthusiasm, so they will tell others about their choice of vendors, you have to be a high quality resource - a good value for the money.


Want To Be A Better More Consistent Marketer?

Naturally, if you are trying to make a living selling your services, there are numerous roadblocks to your success. That has always been true and it always will be. Having a Twitter account and a zillion followers won’t keep you from failing. And being there on the cutting edge marketing yourself via Facebook or Twitter won’t either.


Monday, April 22, 2013

There is Nothing Like a Book to Establish Trust and Preeminence

Believe me there’s nothing like a book to establish trust and preeminence. Your competitor has a white paper; you’re a published author. The "other guy” you’re going up against has a Twitter feed; you have a book that people can buy on Amazon or download from your website in exchange for contact information. Surprisingly, in an era of shortened attention spans, short books can be even more powerful than longer books. Short 50-page mini-books for example, because 50 pages are enough to get across all the key points and then at the same time achieve authorship status.


Succession = Strategic Planning in The Hard Knock World Of Small Business

Listed here are three critical planning elements uniquely connected with one another to produce the succession and planning process, at least one that is equally smooth and financially productive.


How Do You Define Success As A Family Business?

As you can imagine, business succession planning can bring about peace of mind and it likewise protects unprepared family members from decisions connected with owning, selling and managing the family business – so what’s the problem, why don’t you do anything about it before the good options are taken away from you?


Considering Self-Publishing Your Book?

So, where to begin? First, of course, is getting the book written. But once you’re ready to publish, you can easily be overwhelmed with options: Do a Google search for independent publishers and you’ll get nearly 8 million results! Your pocketbook and your goals should help make the decision easier. Longtime Publisher Offers Tips for Making Choices


Five Pillars of Strategy for Small Business

For businesses, strategic planning is a concept, a mind set and a process. It is looking down the road at what's around the bend. When everyone around your place is focusing on what's coming you will all recognize it in time to take advantage of it. As things appear on the horizon each of you will be asking the question, what's important about that from your various perspectives.


Market Research & Content Creation Success

Who will be serious about the products you have to sell? What kind of information do they need about your products or services? Where are they more than likely to look for the information? Those are a few of the questions to ask as you establish your articles marketing strategy.


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Business Succession, Is It The Key To Your Success?

Decades of statistics illustrate that most successful businesses ultimately fail. In fact only 35% of successful family businesses (and virtually all small businesses are family owned) survive through the second generation, and of those only 20% survive through the third. The reasons are typically straightforward and the excuses have been the same since records began being kept.


Key Result Areas Successful Leaders Focus On

Leaders are people who relentlessly focus on productivity. They always ask themselves and their colleagues, "what can we do to be more productive", to get the jobs done more effectively. Family businesses also have the task of considering the productivity characteristics of the members of the successor generation and how they work together with the managers and supervisors who represent the senior generation of owners. Leaders know that everything they do takes the organization closer to or farther away from their objectives.


Small Business Growth Strategies

Small business gurus always talk about increasing your sales in your existing market are a business growth strategy, one they say any and every small business should focus on. Well that may not be right for you right now.


Your Most Important Leadership Skill: Listening

Great leaders are great listeners. The best leaders are proactive, strategic, and intuitive listeners. Leaders know that knowledge and wisdom don't come from talking, they and the other critical characteristics of effective leaders come from listening. Effective leaders seem to have an almost uncanny ability to understand what is not said, witnessed, or heard. Leaders must know how to listen -- and the art of listening is more subtle than most people think it is. More than the physical ability to hear - not just hear the words coming out of the mouths of their direct reports, effective leaders want to listen. If you want to be a better leader, stop talking and start by listening to this video.


Business Plan For Events Management Organization

A business plan for your small business serves as your rolling road map for your business. Rolling, because you’ll be continually adding years on to the business plan’s 3-5 years forward projection. And a well thought out plan, one created using collaboration with savvy industry peers, also helps you to step-back and think objectively about the key elements of your business venture and informs your decision-making on a regular basis.


How to Use Facebook to Promote Your Business

Every successful business depends on people – Facebook is where they are spending their time online. Either you will use Facebook and succeed or you will not embrace Facebook and fail. Have you put off using Facebook to generate more business? Has a fear of not knowing where to start kept you from moving forward?


Saturday, April 20, 2013

In-House Webinars Mean Dollars On Your Bottom Line

Internet conference calls can be simply done with the help of your computer. What you need is very simple – a relatively fast and reliable Internet connection and conference call software or service. Once you install the software in your system, it is very easy to use it, since everything is self explanatory. There are a number of companies that offer Internet teleconference services. The costs tend not to vary to a large extent – they are more or less the same with all companies, as the competition is really intense.


Video: How To Resolve Team Conflict

Teamwork is the hallmark of a successful organization, and yet conflict is also necessary and some would say even vital to the spirit – tension if you will, that causes the team to continually strain toward greatness. Productive team conflict can be a spur towards greater growth and productivity in the enterprise. There is of course the unproductive aspect of team conflict, one that should be faced and dealt with before the positive charge becomes a ticking bomb that can destroy morale, productivity, and profitability.


What Is Your Company’s Leadership Profile?

A great leader pays attention to the observations of their employees before replying. Your employees wish to provide you with their ideas, share their concerns in regards to the business, and pass along information and general day-to-day chit chat. Please avoid distractions and interrupting – even when you already know the answer. Always let your employee have their say, particularly if you are already prepared to disagree with them – you may perhaps learn something that changes your mind.


The Components of Business Strategic Development

Business strategic development is really a procedure that involves to begin with the setting of goals and objectives. Unless there is specific agreement on where the owners of the company desire to be in five, 10, 30, or more years from today – any steps taken will probably be ineffective and a total waste of time, energy, and resources.


Your Internal Strategic Planning Team

A peer to peer collaboration process removes the number one problem faced by today’s business owners, making decisions in isolation with no one to trust to talk to, who will not hold it against them in some way. Business owners who think strategically, plan comprehensively, and execute flawlessly will certainly outpace those who simply set goals and hope for the best. If you want to be even more successful in the future than you are today, a business to business mastermind group will show you how stay focused on what’s important to you, you family, and your business.


The Most Decisive Element Of Business Success

The privately owned corporations that survive through and beyond the founder’s generation will want leaders who are managers more than the huge companies because the very jobs, futures, and possible fortunes of everyone in the organization and perhaps the community are impacted by them.


Friday, April 19, 2013

Are Your Best Employees Quitting Because of Workplace Conflict?

No matter how large or how small your enterprise the best decisions are those made collectively by the right individuals with the good of the whole as their only inspiration. Nevertheless, when one person believes that the only way they can get back at one of their associates or the organization generally, they may sabotage decisions probably resulting in costly harm to the organization.


Targeted Niche Marketing For Business Success

The importance of going through this study and investigation process is the innovation that comes next. It’s critically important you keep in mind that no matter what others are doing, regardless of what you’ve done in the past and regardless how crazy an idea seems to begin with – there is really no such thing as a dumb idea.


Video: Small Business Start-Up Plan Tips

What’s always been of interest to us is how few of them begin their journey with a start up business plan. Unless that is they have to go to others for the financing to start the company and help it grow through the first phase. Then they do a business plan – often a creative work of fiction to convince their backers to put up the money.


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Keys to Tactical Marketing: The Three Most Important

In this day of effectively unlimited choices of vendors it’s really important that you are known as someone people look forward to business with and someone people trust to keep their word. Should you be the best kept secret in your targeted market place or in your industry – if the right people don’t know who you are, your results will be a lot less than they would be if you were a household name among your customers.


Online Promotion and Sport Fishing, A Connection?

A flawed Internet marketing strategy that is executed perfectly will usually render better results than an exceptionally well developed strategy implemented poorly if the person with the imperfect process has spent the time and energy to do the marketing research that will bring the proper people to their site for the right reasons to begin with.


Succession Planning is Also Strategic Planning

The benefits of the family business succession process start the day you get excited about planning the future you want for your business and your family. And the process carries on forever, the same as your family’s involvement in the business will certainly extend far beyond the lifetimes of everyone living today.


Monday, April 15, 2013

Niche Research Required For Article Promotion Success

Let’s be realistic, no one would take the time writing the articles to begin with, if they were not seeking a successful outcome. However a lot of people, more than you may think, start writing before researching. That’s a backwards and perhaps fatally defective process.


Business Succession Planning – Avoid These 5 Critical Mistakes

Business succession is the natural culmination of a successful business where the owners are seeking a way to reap the financial rewards of perhaps decades of hard work and often great financial risk. Everyone benefits from a well considered and thoughtfully executed business succession plan.


4 Recession-Proof Tips from Rags-to-Riches Immigrant CEO

The challenges Americans on Main Street continue to face pale in comparison to those endured by Daniel Milstein, who immigrated to the United States as a teenager from Kiev, Ukraine, during the last days of the USSR’s control of the Eastern Bloc.


Top Qualities of an Effective Leader

Do you know the top qualities of an effective leader? Is that important? Do you think leaders are made or born? What if leaders are made, what are you doing today to become a better leader? How do leaders know what the right decisions are, that will lead their people in the right direction? Maybe you’ll get some answers watching this video.


Thursday, April 11, 2013

How to Resolve Conflict: Conflict Resolution Video

Business development strategies has several components that impact organizations in different ways as they move along their path from start-up through their ultimate succession to the next generation. Depending on where you are in the process of growing your company, different elements take on higher or lower priorities. We are selecting YouTube videos from each [...]


Monday, April 8, 2013

Wells Fargo Succession Planning Interview

As a professional succession planning professional, do you know why otherwise successful business owners fail to take the steps necessary for insure their long term success?


Tips for Business Owners

Research publications in your industry and pitch yourself as a media source. This can net you some free PR later in the year. The key is to focus on media outlets – become a familiar name so they can turn to you as a reliable source. You have to convince contacts that you know your stuff and that you’re available to comment when there’s news to report. If you simply don’t have time for this, consider investing in a reasonably-priced PR firm.


5 Resolutions for Your Business

Almost on a daily basis, news reports detail the marketplace factors that can affect businesses large and small. No matter what the potentially game-changing info coming out of Washington, D.C., or China, though, there are winning strategies that not only endure but should be part of every workplace’s culture, says financial expert and small-business advocate [...]


Leaders Know Where The Buck Stops

A leader must understand the burdens of accountability. The minute bad unexpected things happen a real leader takes responsibility. Leaders are invariably ready to account for their actions along with those associated with their subordinates.


John Child Reviews Small Business Marketing Books

John Child has had the opportunity to travel all over the U.S., Canada, and other parts of the world teaching tens of thousands of small business owners and entrepreneurs about small business and Internet marketing strategies. He reminds us, as does one of the marketing books he describes is that no matter what your business industry is, chances are, people are doing business with you because of you.


Succession Planning 1 – White Board Tutorial

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

How To Use FaceBook To Promote Your Business

The first step toward dominating your marketplace, your industry in fact, is understanding your business and then establishing clearly defined strategic objectives. These strategic objectives are a lot more than just vague goals that you mention on your web site, were part of your incorporation papers, or in the never ever read by anybody since [...]


How To Use FaceBook To Promote Your Business And Make Money.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Small Book, Big Payoff?

How To Write A Business Plan

You’ve got to focus on what you’re best at and most widely known for. You can’t specialize in everything. Consider your marketplace then thin slice it to identify the sliver of your market you can dominate. Look at the smallest number of things you do that reap the most profitable results.


Monday, April 1, 2013

Succession Planning, What's Holding Business Owners Back?

Isn't it because nobody has asked them to describe what they want the business to look like? They have not asked them who is going to run the place and what plans they would like to see in force for their spouses and those offspring who are not involved in the business - where their entire net worth is tied up? Does anyone ask the business owner their opinion, what's possible given the abilities of the members of the next generation? Maybe if their advisors would ask and then listen to the dreams and goals of the business owners and their families they could create plans that everyone will buy into?


Is Leadership a Human Skill or What?

Effective leaders are always looking for ways to help their people grow as much as they are willing to grow. Leaders use delegation to demonstrate their trust in their subordinates.


Five Pillars of Strategy for Small Business

With the continual input from your business strategic development peer group you will be able to more easily target strategic opportunities all around you. Opportunities that would have continued to be invisible to you without their well considered input.
